Stack credentials and reach your degree

11月 16, 2020

Credentials are the awards, certificates, and degrees you can earn as a student at our five Alamo 大学s. 当你开始探索你的教育选择时,你可能会遇到这个术语 stackable credential. 一个可堆叠的凭证意味着它们可以建立在另一个凭证之上——换句话说, 你可以获得较小的奖励,然后将这些学分应用到更大的证书中. 可堆叠的证书为您提供了根据您的职业目标和财务资源从小处开始和升级的灵活性.

It is important to understand the various types of awards, certificates, 和我们澳门新葡京博彩提供的学位,并了解每个证书是如何建立在另一个证书之上的,这样你就可以对你的教育做出明智的决定. Below are the types of credentials you can earn, 按最少学时数到最多学时数的顺序列出.

Ready to start stacking?
We can help.

Occupational Skills Award

Credit hours: 9–14

职业技能奖(OSA)是理想的,如果你需要快速学习一套技能,进入劳动力市场或发展技能,为您目前的角色. Depending on the OSA you select, you can expect to take 3–5 courses, which can be completed in two semesters. An OSA can be applied to a certificate or degree, depending on the program. 最好咨询一下你的学院的目录,以确定哪些课程可以应用于学位. 

Enhanced Skills Certificate

Credit hours: ~19

An Enhanced Skills Certificate (ESC), like an OSA, 是一系列专注于培养你未来或当前领域的特定技能的精选课程吗. 根据您选择的ESC课程,您平均需要完成6门课程. An ESC can be applied to a certificate or degree, depending on the program.

Level 1 Certificate

Credit hours: 15–42

一级证书(CL1)包括一系列特定的课程,你可以完成这些课程来证明你在指定领域的技能掌握. 你可以用比副学士学位更少的学分完成CL1,然后将该证书应用于类似领域的学位. To earn a CL1, you will need to complete 5–14 courses that qualify. Certain industry-based certificates have expiration periods, 因此,请确保您了解所选证书的重新认证要求(如果有的话).

Level 2 Certificate

Credit hours: 42–51

二级证书(CL2)还包括一系列特定课程,学生可以完成这些课程来证明自己在指定领域的技能掌握. 一级和二级证书都可以应用于副学士学位. 学生 can complete a CL2 in fewer hours than an associate degree. To earn a CL2, you will need to complete 14–17 courses that qualify. Certain industry-based certificates have expiration periods, 因此,请确保您了解所选证书的重新认证要求(如果有的话).

Associate Degree

Credit hours: 60

副学士学位可以用于申请四年制大学的学分或用于工作入门. Associate degrees require about 20 courses, which equals about two years of college attendance if you attend full-time. 澳门新葡京博彩在网上提供了几个应用科学副学士学位,旨在帮助你在毕业前夕找工作.

如果你想转到四年制大学,获得副学士学位是理想的, 请记住,转移你的副学分需要提前计划. It is in your best interest to follow our Transfer Advising Guides, the information about which is detailed below.

Transfer Advising Guides

Transfer Advising Guides (TAGs) themselves are not a credential. 而, 它们是你可以遵循的指南,保证特定的四年制大学在你转学时接受你独特的课程学分. TAGs are designed to save you time and money, so make sure you visit Start here, finish there for a list of the available fully online TAGs.

Where do I start?

  • If you want to quickly acquire a new set of skills, consider an Occupational Skills Award or an Enhanced Skills Certificate.
  • 如果你想申请入门级职位或提高你目前的技能, consider a Level 1 or Level 2 Certificate.
  • 如果你打算转到四年制大学攻读学士学位, consider earning an associate degree. Make sure to follow a TAG for an efficient transfer experience.  
  • 请记住,可堆叠的凭证需要预先规划并得到指导老师的帮助,因为不是每个凭证都可以堆叠到另一个. For instance, 物流管理证书不会叠加到营销管理AAS中,因为它们是两个非常不同的领域. Save time and money by planning ahead!

我们澳门新葡京博彩提供的学术路径的多样性提供了灵活性和自由,帮助您设计适合您需求的学术路径. If you’d like to learn more, contact an Enrollment Coach today! 

Get ready to AlamoONLINE. We can help.

AlamoONLINE Enrollment Coaches can:

• Help you start the application process

• Guide you in the enrollment process for fully online courses

• Connect you to registration with a college advisor

• Refer you to services available to online students

Contact us today.


(210) 485-0110


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