Garcia Street Urban Farm


Farmers Market

我们的农贸市场提供了一个直接连接到新鲜和负担得起的农产品,草药和鲜花. Cash, PayPal, and EBT are accepted. Please bring a reusable bag. Follow us on Instagram for updates about produce and guest vendors.

Alamo Colleges students receive free produce with Student ID. Contact us at 获取有关圣安东尼奥学院廉价和免费农产品市场的信息.

Flowers for Food

除了健康的农产品,我们还有一个美丽的切花花园. 这些花为我们当地的传粉者提供食物和栖息地,也制作了最令人惊叹的花束! Not only do they support birds, bees, butterflies and other pollinators, 但是,花卉销售的资金直接用于养活我们的社区. 所有收益都用于向我们的社区成员分发新鲜农产品, including local food pantries, schools, and housing authority residents. 您可以在我们的市场或我们的季节性活动中购买鲜花.

PICK-YOUR-OWN Flower Days at Garcia Street Urban Farm

每个季节,我们都会开放农场,让社区成员收割自己的鲜花. 无论你是想给你的朋友和家人几束可爱的花束还是一个令人惊叹的安排, harvest your own flowers! We provide the tools, 在你大吃一桶新鲜食物的同时,还能学到一些知识,甚至是一点娱乐, seasonal blooms.

Check our Facebook and Instagram for upcoming opportunities. 您的购买直接支持了农场和我们为社区提供新鲜农产品和健康资源的努力.

Workshops/Events Calendar

报名参加生态中心和加西亚街城市农场提供的讲习班和活动. New workshops and events are added throughout the year.

Register Now

Farm Friends

Get involved by signing up to be a Farm Friend. Work with our team as we grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers. No experience is necessary. Sessions are held Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and the first Saturday of the month from 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Follow us on Instagram for other dates and opportunities to support the farm.

Who We Are

加西亚街城市农场是由澳门新葡京博彩区(圣安东尼奥学院)合作成立的, William R. Sinkin Eco Centro) and Opportunity Home San Antonio. 我们努力在教育的交叉点创造和维护一个繁荣的空间, food production, and community engagement. 

Our Mission

我们努力通过我们独特的区域生态系统和圣安东尼奥东区生产新鲜健康食品的动态绿色空间,使我们的社区能够参与当地的食品系统, supports local farmers, and empowers all with educational resources.

Our Vision

We envision a community wealthy with fresh, healthy food and cultural and educational resources, supported by our urban farm and dedicated partners.

Our impact through urban food production: Urban agriculture increases access to healthy, locally grown, and culturally appropriate sources of food. 种植和分享食物可以在投资不足和服务不足的社区创造财富,同时保护绿色空间, providing places for neighbors to come together, and building community cohesion. Urban food systems lessen the burdens of food insecurity, diabetes, heart disease, and other nutrition-related health impacts. Locally grown food increases climate resilience, captures and stores carbon, creates urban wildlife and pollinator habitat, improves watershed health, reduces pollution, generates jobs, and grows local economies. Our 4.圣安东尼奥东区1英亩的城市农场与当地合作伙伴合作,创造可持续发展的道路, local, urban food systems where our community can access healthy, nutritious food.


  • 创造学习有机、可再生城市农业的机会
  • Improve cross-community pollination of farming initiatives
  • Increase access to nutrition education on food systems
  • Promote food security
  • Develop and strengthen partnerships and build community engagement
  • Build safe, healthy, and sustainable environments for our neighbors, community members, students and the greater San Antonio area

Unique Features

  • One of the only housing authority, community, 以及以高等教育为主导的城市农业和粮食生产计划
  • 与当地分销网络和社区市场合作,建立并加强从农场到市场的合作, table, and neighborhood pathways
  • Urban pollinator meadow and wildlife habitat
  • 与当地大学和学院合作研究地块
  • 为社区成员,青年本科生和
  • Graduate students, farmers, 食品生产专家(证书和副学士学位课程)