
学习评估 活动 at 圣安东尼奥学院 continue to transform as we strive to improve learning outcomes for our students throughout their learning experiences.  

圣安东尼奥学院 相信为学生提供获得的机会 中央银行的核心目标/技能领域 学院 refers 适于销售 Skills. Marketable Skills 将会实现 through experiences, not only in the classroom but through each interaction they have 无论是在 学术、学生成功、课外活动、 or 课外 活动. This 会让他们具备工作所需的技能吗, 以及在他们的学术之旅中继续前进.   

持续评估和 教师发展 staff, as well as 我们自己的流程es 在数据收集方面,分析,和 reporting are an essential to providing accurate and insightful data for decision making.   



  • Every course, every course section, every semester, every student 
  • All full-time, adjunct, and dual credit faculty must participate 
  • 项目协调员 & Discipline Assessment Representatives assist 学习评估 to 支持完成 
  • 培训/工作坊:准备日; Get 它完成了4天th 周五教师发展,根据需要进行特别培训 
  • C课程和项目被映射到Marketable Skills (院校学生学习成果). 
  • 报告是按学科制作和审查的 每学期复习一次 
  • 所有学科都会生成和分析数据, 根据需要制定行动计划以改善学习成果, 并提交本学期学习评估报告 SAC SCORES 评估事件. 


Chair, Coordinator, Discipline Assessment Representative 学习评估 Timeline


  • All interactions with students are an opportunity for learning 
  • 所有部门的学生成功评估 
  • 培训/工作坊:准备日; Get 完成日,学生成功市场技能研讨会,根据需要进行特别培训 
  • 学生的成功 Learning Outcomes (SSLOs) are reviewed annually to ensure relevance & mapped to 市场需要的技能 (院校学生学习成果). 
  • 所有部门生成和分析数据, 根据需要制定行动计划以改善学习成果, 并提交本学期学习评估报告 SAC SCORES 评估事件. 

学生的成功 主管和领导学习评估 Timeline 



SAC SCORES Assessment Days are held in September and February each academic year 

Learning As评估活动观看学习utcomes (SLOs/CSLOs/PSLOs/SSLOs) and 市场需要的技能 (THECB Core Objectives/Institutional Learning Outcomes) are 在各自的 discipline/d各院系学习评估检讨 fall and spring.  作为 semiannual 评估学生的学习成果, 各部门必须记录目标达成情况, 具体行动计划, 以及持续改进计划.  Learning assessment plans are subject to annual review in which program goals, objectives, findings and actions are assessed resulting in feedback for assessment plan improvement. 


参与的学生 & 创建学生学习工件

Student Empowerment on their Learning Journey - eLumen Student Dashboard 

学生参与平台是i于2017年启动,并于2018年秋季全面实施. The eLumen student dashboard is an 在线软件e platform that displays student learning outcomes achievement in each course 每个评估. Students have access to real-time information as faculty enter assessment data into eLumen. Students can review current and past achievement of student learning outcomes, and they can share 这些成就 with 潜在的雇主 或者转移机构.  

学生学习工件-eLumen ePortfolio 

我的投资组合是于2017年启动,并于秋季全面实施 2018. The eLumen ePortfolio is aN在线软件 platform used to store digital collections of artifacts, such as writing samples and presentations. Students can house assignments linked to student learning outcomes through instructor-initiated, course-specific ePortfolios. Students can showcase their strengths and acquired skills and to submit materials to 潜在的雇主 或者转移机构. Students also have the option to create and customize a limitless number of ePortfolios 来展示ir 分享他们选择的技能和人工制品 与潜在的 employers 或者转移机构. 

收集数据 & 生成报告


教师和工作人员将评估数据输入 eLumen 在线软件 每学期平台. eLumen is 一个集成平台,旨在 create a 可持续的持续改进过程 By utilizing the eLumen platform to collect and manage assessment data, the 学习评估 office produces numerous reports to inform decision using current information.  


For quick 使用指南 eLumen, visit Elumen支持 

有关报告的更多信息,请访问 学生学习的证据 




Each discipline is responsible for validating their assessment methods and documenting that process. Current data on each disciples DAVC process is collected during the SAC SCORES Fall event. Common data shared should include but is not limited to 1) Review of: Assessments, Outcomes, 课程的映射, 逆向设计, 2) Documentation of meeting procedures 3) Process for action on findings. 


The purpose of the 学习评估验证委员会 shall be to validate the connections between the assessment instruments and the Course Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs) and Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs). Further, the committee will make any recommendations and identify best practices by April 15 of every year. 


The 市场需要的技能 Assessment Committee is a standing committee and recommending body with the purpose of reviewing each year’s attainment of the 市场需要的技能 by Core Curriculum completers and graduates with AA, AS和AAT学位. 

欲了解更多信息,请访问 使用学生学习的证据