Risk Management

圣安东尼奥学院’s Office of Risk Management participates in 澳门新葡京博彩区’s Emergency Management Program (a district-wide program that guides personnel and resources before, during, 在自然或人为事故发生后). Overall, this program provides comprehensive procedures for all-hazard incidents.

Risk Management supports and coordinates campus-wide planning, training, 和必要的锻炼来缓解, prepare for, respond to, 从自然和人为造成的紧急情况中恢复.


Risk Management services include, but are not limited to the following:

  • 校园应急管理
  • 应急行动中心协调
  • 全面备灾 & Training
  • 全危应急计划
  • 紧急行动计划(EOP)
  • 营运连续性计划(COOP)
  • 建设行动小组协调 & Training
  • 应急供应/设备管理
  • Event Planning & Preparedness
  • Injury Reporting & Investigation
  • 紧急事件恢复



确保圣安东尼奥学院为紧急情况做好准备, Risk Management develops and implements various drills and training to raise awareness, enhance education, 测试反应性. Risk Management collaborates with Building Action Teams to schedule drills and training for all-hazard emergencies.


Injury Reports

The priority and obligation of the district-wide Emergency Management Program (within the limits of its resources) is the safety and health of students, employees, and guests. After an injury has been reported to the 澳门新葡京博彩警察局, 校园风险管理协调员, 区企业风险管理小组, SAC's Risk Management may conduct an incident investigation to determine the root cause of any injury or exposure event and provide corrective actions to avoid similar future incidents.

Safety Assessment

全区环境卫生 & Safety (EHS) program provides comprehensive guidelines for all Alamo Colleges, with the primary objective to promote safety and effective loss prevention practices. Contact Risk Management if your area needs to be assessed for health and or safety hazards.


The 澳门新葡京博彩区’s 紧急通知系统 alerts students and employees to severe weather and other emergencies using phone calls, emails, 和/或短信. It’s important to keep your contact information updated so we can deliver the most accurate and up-to-the-minute news to you during an emergency. 来了解如何更新您的联系信息 ACES, click on the link below to access the “Emergency Help Guide”:


我们的紧急通知系统使我们能够安排, send, and track personalized voice messages to up to six phone numbers per person and immediately send messages four different ways:
• Voice messages to home phones, work phones, cell phones, and email addresses 
• Text messages to cell phones, PDA’s and other text-based devices*
• Messages to TTY/TDD receiving devices for the hearing impaired 

Contact information will only be used for 澳门新葡京博彩区 notifications and will not be made available to any other service.

*Text messaging will be sent to the text enabled cell phone number provided in your personal information in ACES. 输入你的手机号码, you opt in to receive text messaging from the emergency notification system. For information on opting out of the text messaging option, 请按以下连结进入“常见问题”部分:



Report all emergencies and/or suspicious activity by immediately calling 9-1-1 or the ACPD Emergency Phone Number (210) 485-0911.

All other incidents may be reported to the Non-Emergency ACPD phone number (210) 485-0099.

有关SAC风险管理的一般问题,请发送电子邮件 sac-riskmgmt@sushipizza.net 或致电(210)486-0876.

Contact Us

Dominique D. Fonseca
(210) 486-0876